Table of Contents
LGBTQ Life and Academics at the University of Chicago
Resources of Particular Interest to LGBT Law Students
Resources on Sexual Orientation and the Law
LGBT Litigation Organizations
LGBT Advocacy Organizations
Resources and Institutions in Chicago and Illinois
LGBT Student Groups
LGBT Life and Academics at the University of Chicago
Office of LGBTQ Student Life
(U)Chicago Queer Compass
Trans @ UChicago
List of Gender-Neutral Restrooms on Campus
Lesbian and Gay Studies Project
Center for Gender Studies
LGBT Alumni Group
Resources of Particular Interest to LGBT Law Students
LGBT Career Fair & Conference (formerly Lavender Law) [Nat'l LGBT Bar Assoc.]
LGBT Rights Law: A Career Guide [Harvard Law School]
Practice Areas: LGBT Rights Law [Univ. of Michigan Law School]
Foundation Scholarship for work in LGBT Civil Rights [Lesbian and Gay Bar Assoc. of Chicago Foundation]
Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competition (LGBTI Law) [Nat'l LGBT Bar Assoc.]
National Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law Moot Court Competition [Williams Inst.]
National LBGT Bar Association
ABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
ABA Section of Litigation LGBT Litigator Committee
Resources on Sexual Orientation and the Law
- Academic Institutions-
Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy [UCLA Law School]
Center for Gender & Sexuality Law [Columbia Law School]
Palm Center [Univ. of California Santa Barbara]
- Legal Periodicals -
Law & Sexuality (Official Journal of the National LBGT Bar Association) [Tulane Univ. Law School]
The Dukeminier Awards: Best Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law Review Articles [UCLA Law School]
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes [New York Law School]
Harvard Journal of Law and Gender
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law [American Univ. Washington College of Law]
Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender
Journal of Gender, Race & Justice [Univ. of Iowa College of Law]
- Casebooks -
William N. Eskridge, Jr. and Nan D. Hunter, Sexuality, Gender and the Law, 2d ed. [Foundation Press]
William H. Rubenstein et al., Cases and Materials on Sexual Orientation and the Law, 3d ed. [Thomson West]
- Treatises -
Roberta Achtenberg et al., eds., Sexual Orientation and the Law [Thomson West] (Available on Westlaw as SEXORIENT)
Courtney G. Joslin and Shannon P. Minter, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Family Law, 2d ed. [Thomson West] (Available on Westlaw as LGFAMLAW)
LGBT Litigation Organizations
- National Organizations -
Lambda Legal
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) LGBT Rights
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)
- Issue-Specific Organizations -
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)
Immigration Equality
Silvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP)
Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund
- Regional/Local LGBT Organizations -
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) [New England]
Equality Advocates Pennsylvania
Transgender Law Center [California]
Colorado GLBT Community Center’s Legal Initiative Project
Also check out your state's ACLU affiliate
National LGBT Advocacy Organizations
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Freedom to Marry
Family Equality Council
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
Equality Federation (website also provides links to statewide advocacy organizations)
Resources and Institutions in Chicago and Illinois
Lambda Legal - Midwest Regional Office
ACLU of Illinois Gay and Lesbian Rights Project/AIDS and Civil Liberties Project
National Asylum Partnership on Sexual Minorities (NAPSM) [National Immigrant Justice Center]
AIDS Legal Council of Chicago (ALCC)
Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago HIV/AIDS Project
Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago
Chicago Bar Association Committee on Legal Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men
Illinois State Bar Association Standing Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Equality Illinois
Illinois Safe Schools Alliance
Illinois Gender Advocates
Howard Brown Health Center
Center on Halsted (LGBT Community Center)
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Chicago Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
Chicago Free Press
Windy City Times
LGBT Student Groups
- University of Chicago -
Gays & Lesbians in Business (GLIB) [Booth School of Business]
Out in Public Policy [Harris School of Public Policy]
Queers and Associates
List of additional student groups without websites
- Other Law Schools -
Yale Law School Outlaws
HLS Lambda [Harvard Law School]
Stanford Law School OUTLAW
Columbia Outlaws
Boalt Hall Queer Caucus [Berkeley Law School]
Univ. of Pennsylvania Lambda Law
Univ. of Michigan Outlaws
Northwestern Law School OUTLaw
Duke OUTlaw
Cornell Law School Lambda for LGBTQ
Georgetown Law School Outlaw
DePaul Law Outlaws
Loyola Univ. Chicago School of Law OUTLaw
Chicago-Kent Lambdas
John Marshall School of Law Gay and Lesbian Legal Alliance (GALLA)
To report any broken links, or to suggest an additional resource for this page, please contact the webmaster.